For many people new to online marketing, or considering it, the idea of which niche to turn into can feel overwhelming. You can pretty much turn any niche idea into a money-maker, but you want to carefully analyse your passion for seeing just how profitable it can be.

The great thing is, you may have more than one interest or hobby that you enjoy, and sometimes, you can combine more than one of them. Some people go into niches they have zero interest in, just because they hear it’s a lucrative niche – but that never lasts because your commitment and enthusiasm need to be strong.

Make a Business Out of What You Love

Imagine having a hobby or interest that you enjoy working on and talking to people about.

Imagine finding out you can get paid to do it!

Wouldn’t you just feel amazing knowing you can make a business out of what you love?

That’s precisely what happens when someone comes into the Internet marketing world as an online entrepreneur.

Many people don’t even realise that everyday things they enjoy have profit potential! For example, maybe you love cooking for your family – that’s a lucrative niche. Or perhaps you love biking on the weekend.

Yes, that’s a profit-pulling niche. How about gardening? It doesn’t matter if you grow in-ground or containers, indoors or out – it’s a niche people pay for knowledge and supplies, and you can earn money from it.

There are other things that you can turn into a niche – from arts and crafts to gaming. You can even turn your love of helping people with advice into a niche, getting into the personal development and motivation arena.

What if you’re a young parent with kids? You could tap into the toy niche! Or maybe offer parenting advice to others. It’s all fair game in the online marketing world. And remember how I said you could combine niches?

Think about things you’re dealing within your own life. Maybe you’ve lost weight, and you love advising others about how you did it – one of the ways you do it by cooking low-calorie meals.

That’s two niches you can tap into – cooking and weight loss. Or, maybe you grow your food so you can beat diabetes. That’s two niches – one health, one gardening. You can even combine things like biking and exercise or sleep and health.

Any time you have one niche affecting another one, you can combine the two and double your efforts to get profits flowing for you. But that combo scenario isn’t necessary.

There are plenty of single niche topic sites and leaders who do very well with one singular focus on a niche. You just have to decide how you want to plan your online strategy.

Start by Promoting Things You Use

When you use things a lot, you form an opinion about them, and you also gain insight into how to use them and how to work around drawbacks of a product – whether it’s a digital or physical product.

For example, maybe you use a particular hosting company or email autoresponder tool, and they’ve never let you down. They respond to customer service issues. The set-up is flawless – or you were able to handle a minor blip with ease.

These are digital product examples where you can build a site recommending the products and earning a commission on them. You can also make money promoting courses that taught you how to succeed online.

You might even promote tangible items that you use regularly. You may not even be thinking about it as a money opportunity. But that garden tiller you believe is so reliable? People want to know about it!

The game you found so fun for your family? There are other families online searching for good, clean family fun.

The supplements you use to boost your immune system and keep your family health? There are other families online searching for these as well.

And when they click through your link and buy it, you earn money for it. It’s a win-win-win situation. ?

If you have done something on your own – such as followed a keto diet to lose weight and get your A1C numbers in control, then even if you did it on your own, you might find a digital course or a print book that teaches other people how to do the same.

For me, what started me on my journey was finding out I had endometriosis and was told I would never get pregnant. Fast forward, while I was looking for solutions and sharing them, I ended up also getting pregnant and am now the happy mom of twin boys.

So, start by thinking of things you’d love to make money from if you could – something you love to do. But be careful about selecting things like this, too. You can’t just think of what you’re interested in now.

What matters most is what you’re consistently interested in. If you tend to flitter from product to product or hobby to hobby, that’s a bad sign that your passion won’t hold true for a long time.

If you go to the trouble of building a site when you first get interested in gardening, but you’re the kind of person who tends to abandon projects, you might lose interest in gardening, and then your site goes stagnant, and your efforts are wasted.

Try to stick with things you have enjoyed for months and years in the past. Before making a firm decision, brainstorm a list of things – from tangibles to digital products, including tools, courses, and ideas you have found excitement in and add them to your list of what you might pursue as a niche online.

Create Your Own Digital Info Products

Many people mistakenly believe they have to have a degree or be a bona fide expert in a topic to create their book or info product about it. That’s not true! Every day, men and women of all ages turn to everyday peers to learn how they did something.

It often means more to someone (a consumer) to learn from someone who is also an ordinary person who has been there, done that than it does for them to learn from an official expert.

For example, if you had diabetes and you saw a book about using low carb diets to lose weight from a doctor, you might want to read it and take some advice. But you’d also love it if you found someone just like you – perhaps a mom stressed for time – who shared her journey and showed a more personable side of how to lose weight with fewer carbs.

You have an advantage over those experts. You’re reachable. Consumers rarely will get a reply from an expert who publishes a book with a national publisher. But they can reach out to Joe or Jane blogger and ask a question and get a reply!

So, consider creating a digital product. It won’t work for every niche. For example, if you choose the toy niche, there probably isn’t an opportunity for a digital book about toys for kids. But many niches will work.

Remember the example of promoting things you use where we talked about a hosting company or email autoresponder? If you’re promoting these things, you can create digital product potential for a product of your own.

You can create and sell an info product about how to set up a blog for those who buy hosting through your link. You can sell a product on how to write good sales copy since you know they’re wanting hosting for a site.

If you create an email autoresponder tips course, that will go well with your promotions of an email autoresponder tool like SendFox, Aweber, ActiveCampaign or GetResponse. They’re getting the tool – so you can teach them the ins and outs of using it!

And don’t worry if your niche, in particular, doesn’t have any digital income potential. It’s great if it does, but some niches just work as tangible profit pullers, and that’s okay, too. If you can combine them as business opportunities, that’s good. But it’s not a deal-breaker if not.

Creating a digital product isn’t hard at all. You can either write down your knowledge, record it on video, or even make an audio course on what you know. Many ways cost little to nothing to put a digital product on the market.

Position Yourself as a Niche Leader

This is one thing that makes people somewhat nervous about becoming an online entrepreneur. Being seen as a leader isn’t what worries them – it’s saying they’re a leader or niche expert that rattles their nerves.

Let’s be honest. The only thing people care about is whether or not you can help them with whatever they need help with. If you’ve learned how to grow tomatoes consistently and they want to do the same, they don’t care if you have a degree in it.

They don’t care if you’ve done it for twenty years. All they care about is whether you know how to do it now and if so, will you share that information with them? There are many people who just need and want assistance – with their crafts, their meals, their health – a wide variety of things.

This is what trips many people up. They hear they need to create an “About Me” page on their blog and they start writing it, and realise it sounds too plain. Don’t be nervous about that!

Sometimes plain and approachable is more attractive to an audience than stuffy and formal. So, go ahead and tell people about your expertise. You don’t have to use superlatives like “the best” or “top” when referring to your expertise, but be honest about it.

Another thing many people worry about is calling themselves an expert when compared to the competition. You have to have blinders on when it comes to your competition. Instead, think of them as colleagues, because lots of networking happens in this industry and they can actually help your business, rather than hurt it.

For example, marketers in the same niche often conduct interviews of one another. They promote for you as affiliates and help each other get the word out about their offers.

So, if someone else has expertise that you don’t have yet, just learn from them and share what you know that they may not with them. Remember, consumers don’t want to just learn from one single person.

They want to learn from a wide variety of viewpoints and styles. You might be fun and light-hearted whereas another niche leader is more serious and sombre. You’ll have an audience, so don’t worry if you weed out those who prefer a different style of doing things.

Branch Out into Other Business Models

Tapping into a niche that you’re passionate about is very rewarding on a personal level. You wake up and work every day on things you enjoy. You’re the person making all of the decisions.

Whichever business model you start out with in your niche – such as affiliate marketing or info product creation – make sure you eventually consider branching out into more to increase your profits.

You don’t always want or need to do this. But it’s something you don’t want to overlook, not only for the profit potential but also because it will help you serve your audience when you can guide them in more ways than one.

There are other business models you might want to consider besides affiliate marketing and info product creation, too. For example, you might want to create a membership site for your people.

With a membership site, you might be giving them a set amount of information – or ongoing information that can help them with their journey in whatever niche you’re in.

Another thing you might consider is a service-related business model. For example, you could be a coach in your niche who helps people with their efforts. This might work better in some niches than other ones.

For example, a life coach might help people with success and motivation if you want to be in the personal development niche. You could sell single or package deals where you coach people via video chat from anywhere in the world.

When you do decide to add another business branch, just analyse what all is required of you and decide whether or not you want to pursue it. You don’t want to take away from your efforts in one thriving business branch if the other one won’t be something you enjoy or won’t be lucrative.

See if there’s competition in your niche for that business model. If there is, it’s a good sign that there’s money to be made with it. If not, it’s worth surveying your audience or a small test run to see if your audience is open to it or if they’re genuinely not interested.

Pursuing your passion when it comes to choosing a niche for your online marketing efforts is great because it allows you to do more of what you love, without having to find time for it outside of regular work hours.

Look at existing digital and tangible products, see if there are any services offered, and get an idea of their popularity so you’ll instantly know which route you should investigate.

And more than anything – have fun with this! You didn’t get into online marketing to return to the struggle of an unfulfilling career. You chose this because you wanted more freedom and more satisfaction, so turn this journey into whatever you want it to be!

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