Celebrations are customary to mark special events in our lives. Birthdays, a new year, weddings, and other occasions are all reasons to celebrate. They help us remember who we are and how far we’ve come. They help give us a sense of pride that we can carry with us through the bad times.

Some projects can make you feel exhausted by the end of a long project, whether it’s losing weight or a business project that you worked long and hard to complete. The dedication, effort and time it took to complete were worth it. Now it’s time to celebrate.

It might have been a struggle – long projects usually are. A celebration will boost your morale and give you a jump start for the next project. You will even be able to approach the next one with more enthusiasm and self-confidence.

Celebrations are essential for teams, but just as important if it was just you and there’s no one to pat you on the back. It doesn’t have to be expensive or last a long time, but it should be a celebration you’ll remember and cherish.

Everyone needs reinforcement to build momentum and create pride, including yourself. It’s not enough to simply accept the monetary or personal benefits (such as weight loss) you get from a project’s completion. You get much more out of the recognition a celebration gives your team or you, personally.

When team efforts are celebrated, it fosters drive and ambition to do more and perform better. On a personal basis, you see what you can do and get the self-confidence and composure you’ll need on future projects.

If a project you’re working on is a long and drawn-out affair, celebrate milestones. A low-cost reward might be a gift card, lunch or flowers. For yourself, it may be a day off spent with family and friends.

You’ll be amazed at how much energy and enthusiasm you gain from rewarding yourself or your team with a small token. If the success at the end of a project is all about your efforts, consider taking an amount from what you earned and going on a trip or treating yourself to a new wardrobe.

A project’s team members always appreciate cash bonuses. Even if you’ve accomplished the same goal, a team member has just achieved, be sure and celebrate with enthusiasm and without stealing their thunder.

Feeling pride is the ultimate reason for a celebration for a job well done. Whether it’s you on a solo basis or a team that accomplished the results, take time to celebrate in some way that promotes enthusiasm and pride.


Are you looking for more strategies to lay the groundwork for success in work and life? If so, check out this course: Laying the Groundwork for Success in Work and Life!

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