Autoresponder Audit

Autoresponder Audit Day 7: Develop A Game Plan For The Future

We touched a little at the end of yesterday’s blog post on the whole idea of moving forward and continuing to improve our email marketing game. Trust me, there’s always room for improvement, for anyone, including me. While an audit like this is a great way to update... read more

Autoresponder Audit Day 6: Are Your Messages Serving You And Making Money

In the last blog post, we looked at the messages in the auto-responder sequence to make sure they are serving our audience. Today we’re going to go through that list again, but this time we’re making sure they also serve us and help us make money. Remember what I... read more

Autoresponder Audit Day 5: Are Your Messages Serving Your Customers

We started to audit our auto-responder messages yesterday by reworking the welcome email. Now it’s time to tackle the rest of them. If you followed my advice of signing up for your own list with a separate email account, you can edit and work through them as they hit... read more

Autoresponder Audit Day 4: How Welcoming Is Your Welcome Email

Today it’s time to rework the welcome email. I have yet to come across one that couldn’t use some improvement. More often than not, we write it up quickly during the process of setting up our list and then never look at it again. That’s really a shame, because it is... read more

Autoresponder Audit Day 3: Review Your Download Page

Yesterday we spent a lot of time on the lead magnet. I’m sure you have some great plans for the future, and maybe even started to tweak your existing offer or creating something new and awesome from scratch. Today it’s time to tackle another important piece of the... read more

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