Positive thinking can boost your mood, keep you energised when working, and give you self-confidence. Maintaining a healthy thought process is not easy, but it is possible. You can direct and re-direct your thoughts throughout the day despite your busy – and sometimes stressful – schedule.

Here are eight straightforward yet highly effective ways to help you achieve a healthy thought process.

#1. Block out all negative thoughts and comments

How many times a day do you hear comments like “you are not smart enough” or “you are not qualified for this?”

How many times have you allowed such comments to stop you from going after your dream?

Developing a healthy thought pattern depends on your ability to block out unhealthy thoughts often caused by listening to negative compliments.

Start blocking out negative thoughts and comments by not paying attention to bad things that are said to you and about you. If blocking out negative thoughts seems impossible, you can begin feeding your mind with positive content to replace the bad comments. Content that makes you believe in yourself and your abilities is the only content you need to instil in your mind.


#2. Spend more time with positive people

The people you spend more time with are responsible for the way you see yourself. Positive people will impart positive thoughts. They will challenge you to be better. Some will even create an environment to enable you to reach your goals. Positive people pay more attention to passing comments on how much you can achieve. Instead of saying “you do not have what it takes”, they focus on “there are many ways of achieving what you want” and “this is how you can improve your skillset.”


#3. Discontinue ties with people that demoralise you

People who bring you down and undermine your every move are a hindrance to you and your development. So, cut ties with people who find pleasure in disheartening you.


#4. Learn from your failures or disappointments

Taking valuable lessons from your failures, disappointments, or mistakes is another effective way of controlling your thought process. Instead of thinking, “nothing good can come out of this”, start thinking “, what valuable lessons have I learned here” and “what method have I not used that can get me the results I want?”


#5. Practice positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are an excellent way of controlling what happens in your head. They have the power of turning what you are proclaiming with your mouth into reality. A few positive affirmations you can start your day off with include “I’ve got this”, “today is going to be great”, “I will pass my exams”, “the future is great.”, etc.


#6. Practice positive self-talk and stop all negative self-talk

Replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk to turn your life in the direction you want. Your thoughts influence your action, and they have the power to turn you into a remarkable success story. Constructive thoughts will push you to act constructively. Start practising positive self-talk for a positive outcome.


#7. Identify what needs to be changed

The only way you can change your negative thoughts to productive ones is by analysing your thought patterns.

Step 1: Identify the people or things that cause you to start thinking negatively about yourself, your work, your relationships, etc.

Step 2: After identifying what those things are, start writing down the steps to get rid of such triggers.

If it’s people, avoid them or cut ties completely.

If it’s something you say or do, avoid saying or doing it.

Step 3: Replace such deeds with something that has the power to capture your full attention.


#8. Live in good physical shape

People who stay in shape have less stress. This is because of the feel-good hormone that is released when you exercise. Staying true to your exercise routine can impact how you view what is happening around you. It is also a great way of blocking out negative thoughts.

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