Finding a Following on Facebook

When it comes to getting free traffic, social networking sites are a great place to begin. While Facebook may not appeal to millennials and the younger generation as much, it still has a healthy base for you to tap into as a niche marketer.

The first thing you may want to do after setting up your personal profile is to set up a Facebook page. This is a place where you can brand your business and share value with your audience.

After you have a page devoted to your business that details all that you have to offer, you may want to launch a group on Facebook to engage with your audience. With a group, you can make other people admins who can help you manage the group.

In a group setting, everyone can share ideas and open discussions with one another if you allow them to. This gives you great insight into the needs and personalities of your fans and followers.

You may also want to join other groups that have been started by someone else. Your goal here is not to go in and spam the group with links to your site. Instead, you should show up and contribute value to those participating in the group so that they organically seek you out online with the goal of learning more from you.

On Facebook, you want to show up to serve the people who are interested in your niche topic with helpful responses and insight. Doing this will allow you to see more organic traffic as people begin to Google your name and look for other advice from you on the Internet.

You want to utilize the various media options that Facebook allows so that you can acquire a bigger following. You are no longer restricted to text only on this social media site. You can use a variety of text, images, and video to convey your message.

In fact, it’s been proven that Facebook posts with images get more engagement and are shared more than those with text only. You can also share links to audio files or to your blog posts or landing pages on the site.

When you’re using Facebook to generate free, organic traffic, you want to build genuine friendships with others online. Don’t make it all about you. Your prospective buyers need to know that you care about them, too.

If you befriend people on your personal profile, make a concerted effort to visit other people’s profiles and engage on their posts to show that you are genuinely interested in how their own life is going.

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