Evaluate the Time It Took to Reach Your Goal

Evaluate the Time It Took to Reach Your Goal

Gathering data from good record-keeping should help you evaluate the time it took to reach your goal – whether it’s a project or a personal goal. You can then decide if you could have done it faster or if you should have taken more time to make the results of a higher...
Don’t Let Others Define Who You Are

Don’t Let Others Define Who You Are

“Self-motivation is the only kind there is”. I read a book when I came across this statement and had to pause to think for quite a while because it spoke against everything I believed until then. I had been watching many motivational speakers and had...
Growing Through Pain

Growing Through Pain

For those fortunate enough, pain is only sometimes part of a process. It is a stranger that comes and goes. It is a phase all humanity must go through. For some, the pain has become a part of their daily life. If that is you and your pain is chronic, and you are...

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