Just because you have an email autoresponder in place doesn’t mean you will acquire subscribers. You have to make sure that your opt in box is strategically placed where visitors to your site can see it and clearly see how to sign up.

Many marketers start out with a single landing page. This is a page that is light on content and merely conveys the free offer that usually accompanies a sign-up situation. But if this is all you’re using, then you’re missing out on some important list building opportunities.

For example, if you run a blog, then you want to have the opt in box in the sidebar of your blog. That way, regardless of which post the person came to read on your site, they will see the opt in opportunity on every page.

You can format the opt in box to fit any size sidebar. Another place you can strategically place an opt in box for your email autoresponder is below each post that you create. All you have to do is insert the raw HTML code that you generate within your email autoresponder system and it can capture the names and email addresses of visitors after they have consumed your valuable information.

This is a good place to position an opt in box because if your post is long, the visitor may have scrolled down past the sidebar opt in box. Make sure you encourage people at the end of each blog post to get on your list.

You always want to encourage sign-ups to your list everywhere you go. That includes social media posts, Within PDFs that you release online, in videos that you create, on podcast audio files, and within products and bonuses.

Your opt in box should have a clean aesthetic appeal and blend in to your site nicely. However, you also want it to stand out to some degree. You can do that with an image or icon that draws their eye to the offer. Make sure your offer includes a call to action that tells them exactly what you want them to do.

You may want to split test a variety of opt in boxes and offers to see which method or style your niche responds to best. It may be something as simple as a color combination or headline that tips the scales in your favor for more subscribers.

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What’s Next?


Step 1: Revise Your Expectations And Expect Resistance

If you’re familiar with the principles for successfully growing an online business, then you know that Step 1 of successfully pulling out a strategy to optimise and grow your business is to shift your mindset. I share through this blog and social media channels some tips and tools to help you with that. Yet, we all know that it takes more than just knowing what to do to actually do it.

That’s why I want to invite you to revise your expectations. Know that there will be resistance along the way. You might say to yourself “I’ll have a look tomorrow again”, “that’s not so urgent”, “I’m not sure that’s for me”, “I don’t think this will work for me”, or many other things. Often when we’re stepping out of our comfort zone (a.k.a. what we’ve been doing until now) we’re finding excuses to keep on doing what we’ve always done. The first step in success is acknowledging that. So… acknowledge where you’re at. Then…

Revise your expectations bearing in mind your goals AND your life. Not everything that I’m sharing will resonate with you. Not everything will be applicable to you either. And that’s alright! But you’ve got to start somewhere.

So, as long as you’re clear on your goals and on your vision, take a conscious decision of what you want to apply starting from today. And if you are not clear on your vision, here are a few resources you might find helpful:


Step 2: Carve Out Time, And Make A Plan

That’s where carving out time, and making a plan comes in. You know yourself at that stage better than I do. Use that knowledge to implement a plan of action that will help you start making positive changes into your life, that will soon bring positive changes in your business and in your life.

If you’re stuck wondering what to do next, I invite you to join the FREE Optimised Business Membership.

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Step 3: Just start

There’s no tomorrow in success. Any successful path starts today, with a small change that you keep on building onto. Commit to starting today with ONE small thing, and share with me in the comments what it is. This commitment will help you start – and keep – taking action!


Step 4: Get Support!

We tend to want to do things on our own. I’m not stranger to that either. But I’ve learnt over time, and I’ve seen both with my personal coaching clients and professional mentoring clients, as well as with myself, that getting support helps to really create the change we’re after. So, if you’re stuck wondering what’s next, and you know you need help, I invite you to check out the many online resources I have created to help you save time and achieve faster growth in your business: Free articlesonline communityonline books and courses. If you’d like private mentoring for your business strategy, you can also book a call with me to discuss the different mentoring options that are available for your special needs.


Step 5: Please Share!

If you like what I’m sharing, please do me a favour and share it with friends or colleagues you know would benefit from it! The more we are on this journey, the greater the collaborations, co-creation and achievements!

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